What a great time in Monterrey...!!! 2007

Well, this was a long time ago (april 29, 2007) but i'm still very happy because thanks to this achivement i could get more experience and learn MUCH more; mainly because the prize was an internship at Airdesign http://airdesign.com.mx/newsite2/ (i'll writte something about AD some time latter)

The event in fact was called "3rd car design and engineering international congress" in Monterey Mexico (what a wonderfull city, and very nice people as well) and some of the speakers and judges were: Henrik Fisker, Daniel Mastretta, Humberto Ortiz, Sasha Lakic. Miguel Avalos and the president of the Latin American Car Design Association, Luis Fernando Rubio. (wish i can get in touch with him!)

So wen i saw the add of the congress i asked to my parents for some money.. :) and began to work in my entry for the contest, in fact i couldn't sleep very well those days because i was attending my finnal round of exams (high school, "voca 2") lol thru those days i got a lot of fun!

Two weeks later my design was finished and i send it ! ... and one week later i was in Monterey, immediately i felt at home, (somehow) sorrunded by petrolheads just like me, talking only about cars, cars... and cars... this was heaven!

That time in Monterey was unique, and i fully recommend that kind of events, (not only because i got the first place) because i meet a lot of people, and learn something from them, also because this kind of events "opens" your eyes and shows you how amazing is the world of car design.

This was my second participation in car design contest, because some time before i participated in another design contest organized by rigoletti, "houze of disign"?? and the sponsors of the Mexico's international Autoshow 2006 , finnaly i got the 3rd place. But what a very disorganized event! (*:*)



Como empezo todo?/How did all started?

Bueno pues, dado que naci sin tener la mas minima idea del diseno automotriz, mis comienzos no fueron espectaculares, en verdad los dibujos que ahora adjunto son mas bien "chafas" y solo tienen espacio en el recuerdo por que la mera neta estan para llorar...jaja

Son testigo del proceso que comenzo hace ya..... casi 4 anios (21 de ago. 2004) en una pequenia platica dada por disenadores de Chevrolet, en la cual tambien hicieron un pequenio y rapido concurso para ver a quien le daban una beca para estudiar tecnicas de representacion con ellos.

Pues obvio a mis 15 anios saliendo de la secundaria, no me saque nada de beca.. (que esperenzas!) pero si, me di una idea de como es este negocio, asi como recibi unas cuantas palabras de aliento para no dejar de mejorar.

Asi pues un saludo a aquella gente que me animo, y que me dio consejos para no dejar esto, (donde quiera que esten)

Aqui estan las fotos de lo que hice para este pequenio concurso... 6to, de 25 chavos.... no esta tan mal.


Y voten por mi concept car!!


ahora unos anios despues.............................. mucho mejor no?

How life changes... Como la vida cambia.

Well guys, the people who knows me knows that after my intership at Airdesign i wanted to study Product design at the ITESM (tec de moterrey) one of the most expensive schools in Mexico. It isn't bad at all but probably -at least in design- needs more recognizement.

So... i went there, asked for the admission exam and.... i failed the exam!! dam!!.... thats why i asked to the IED... for somekind of help, of scolarship (because Europe is so expensive) and they gave me the option of a design contest :) the task;

Design for your idol. so i began to work in another Ferrari, (in fact is displayed at the top of the page) and is beautiful !!

Sometime later i send my entry card, and my design, and i've got a very good new!!

They accepted me with an scolarship of 80% for the first year.... great, but i still have to pay the ticket to get there, accomodation, meals, matherials....etc. etc.. visa. (so if you know of a job...lol)
anyway, is a great chance and ill be working so dam hard to probe that i really deserve this.

This is something sad at the same time, because at least in Mexico there isn't any decent school of car design, and i'll have to leave my country, my people, my friends, my girlfriend...
but at the same time i always wanted to be in Italy (specially Turin) and learn from the "masters".

My first entry in english,... the spelling is fine?. :)

Hello everybody! / Hola a todos!

Pues, despues de haber hecho my cuenta de blogger hace ya un rato, y no haber publicado ni una entrada, por fin me decidi a publicar algo, si la primera entrada con la cual quiero mas o menos dar una intro de como va a ser el blog.

Aqui me gustaria publicar cosas o disenos, asi como las cosas que vayan sucediendo en la pequenia aventura que me voy a aventar de cruzar el charco e ir a Italia para estudiar (cosa que luego les platicare)

Asi es que en este blog encontraran o se podran dar cuenta de:

* Un apoyo para los que tengan mas o menos la misma pasion/locura que yo llamada diseno automotriz. ya que tambien su servilleta, fue/es un joven, con un ***** de ilusiones.
Asi que pueden pedir consejos, sugerencias... etc

* Alguien a quien caerle en Italia, (jejeje ni me he ido siquiera!... pero bueno.)

* Un lugar para enterarse de las tendencias, y nuevos conceptos que vayan siendo lanzados, los cuales destrozaremos, o alabaremos despues de analizar las fotos, (jaja, no hay lana para ir a hacer coberturas exclusivas... sorry)

* Me gustaria enfocarme mas a la raza, (lease: latinoamerica) ya que sitios de diseno automotriz en ingles ya hay varios, y hasta el momento no me he topado con alguno que tenga una vision REAL de lo que es diseno automotriz en una parte del mundo como es Mexico/Latinoamerica.

* Algunas entradas las voy a escribir en ingles, o espanol/ingles, ya que veces la globalizacion asi lo exije.

* Que mi compu no tiene la letra ( ñ ) y me vale.... jajaja no la pienso cambiar ... por ahora. :)

Por ahora es todo..

Un saludo,,, y Comenzamos!!
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